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Even if their main sites needs to be protected and at the difference of the two other UNESCO designations (World Heritage sites and Biosphere Reserves), UNESCO Geoparks are sustainable development areas involved in the shared knowledge of the heritage values of its territory in which its population, proud to live here, can undertake and imagine new integrated strategies for sustainable development.


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The UNESCO Geoparks work on the definition of quality criteria for their tourist offer while always privileging promotion of the local heritage, know-how and local products, short circuits, rules of hygiene and safety,… Territories of excellence, the UNESCO Geoparks can only organize the development of their territory and the population with clear quality criteria and actions.



Territories resulting from a bottom-up process in which the population is involved, the UNESCO Geoparks base their actions on partnership with regional stakeholders (hotels, restaurants, guest house, guides, museum, etc.). This partnership being established on formal agreement with clear definitions of reciprocal commitments. With this win-win agreement, partners are  true UNESCO Geopark Ambassadors.



Local products are the showcase of each UNESCO Geopark. They correspond to the history of the populations and their link with their territory. The UNESCO Geoparks are trying to promote crafts from traditional know-how and agro-products locally and biologically produced. The products corresponding to the quality criteria are branded and promoted by UNESCO Geopark.



Geotourism is not geological tourism but a tourism which sustains and enhances the identity of a territory, taking into consideration its geology, environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage and the well-being of its residents. UNESCO Geopark encourage thoughtful visitors to discover local heritage, local practices as well as practicing sportive outdoors activities.

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