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Coronavirus, GGN express solidarity



Dear colleagues from all the Italian UNESCO Global Geoparks

We follow the news on the very difficult situation in Italy regarding the outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19), which affects the Italian society and economy.

We do understand that the increasing number of cases day by day is generating serious concerns to the Italian society and forced the Italian government to ordered the closure of all schools and universities nationwide as well as all major public events at least until 15 March.

We support the statement of the World Health Organization “This epidemic can be pushed back, with a collective, coordinated and comprehensive approach.”

We do understand that the Italian UNESCO Global Geoparks and their activities in geotourism and education are and will be strongly affected during the next weeks.

Our hearts and thoughts are with all of you! Our precious partners and colleagues of the Italian UNESCO Global Geoparks!

You are not alone!

The GGN community collectively will find the proper ways to support each one of our Italian UNESCO Global Geoparks to overpass the consequences of the epidemic.

Geoparks will continue as always working together and expressing solidarity to all our colleagues and members.

Geoparks through networking, acting in a smart, inclusive and innovative way will continue to promote Geoparks for the benefit of our local communities!


Dear colleagues from all the Korean UNESCO Global Geoparks

We follow the news on the difficult situation in the Republic of Korea regarding the outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19), which affects the Korean society and economy.

We are optimistic with the encouraging signs from your country according to the World Health Organization that the number of newly-reported cases appears to be declining, and the cases that are being reported are being identified primarily from known clusters. We support the statement of the World Health Organization “This epidemic can be pushed back, with a collective, coordinated and comprehensive approach.

We do understand that the Korean UNESCO Global Geoparks and their activities in geotourism and education are and will be strongly affected during the next weeks.

Our hearts and thoughts are with all of our colleagues of the Korean UNESCO Global Geoparks!

You are not alone!

The GGN community collectively will find the proper ways to support  our Korean UNESCO Global Geoparks to overpass the consequences of the epidemic and we will do anything possible to celebrate all together next September in Jeju island the 9th International Conference of the UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Geoparks will continue as always working together and expressing solidarity to all our colleagues and members.

Geoparks through networking, acting in a smart, inclusive and innovative way will continue to promote Geoparks for the benefit of our local communities!

A reply from the Chinese Authorities to the GGN letter expressing solidarity to China and the Chinese UNESCO Global Geoparks

A thank-you letter from the Chinese National Forest and Grassland Administration received by GGN as reply to its letter expressing solidarity to Chinese UNESCO Global Geoparks  for the fight against COVID-19.

The GGN will continue its efforts to support the Chinese UNESCO Global Geoparks during their fight against the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).


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